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What Are Some Social Media Advertising Examples? [Real Examples]
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What Are Some Social Media Advertising Examples? [Real Examples]
August 7, 2020

Introduction - Social Media Advertising Examples

Are you strategizing social media advertising campaigns for your business and want to ensure their success? There are numerous paths that your business can go down when it comes to generating a social media ad plan.

This post, brought to you by Stiddle, will outline 5 social media advertising examples that top businesses have found success with to assist you in your own ad game.

Social Media Campaigns

Social media campaigns are coordinated marketing efforts to reinforce or assist with a business goal using one or more social media platforms. Campaigns differ from everyday social media efforts because of their increased focus, targeting, and measurability.

Social Media Platforms

Below, we will list out popular social networking applications/websites that many use for their advertising needs:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Linkedin
  • Etc.

Successful Advertising Campaigns

We are sure that you are wondering how numerous businesses have expanded their growth with the use of social media which is why we have taken the time to pinpoint measures that many affluent companies have made.

1. Apple:

One of Apple's most recent and most successful strategies was the #ShotOniPhone campaign. This entailed Apple having its customers participate in a social media challenge where they would post images using the hashtag #ShotOniPhone to display the great quality one would have with the purchase of an iPhone.

The catch was that those who took the best pictures would have their photographs featured on billboards in select cities, Apple retail stores and online. This sparked an immense interest for consumers due to the inclusion of competition which can be a great method for drawing in a crowd to your own business.

Keep in mind that providing incentives is key.

2. Airbnb

In efforts for Airbnb to grow their customer rating, they created the “We Are Here Campaign, which consisted of users participating in a 24-hour Facebook Live feed to show the appeal of using an Airbnb when one travels.

As a result, Airbnb garnered over 6.2 million views on the 6 live streams around the world and in return saw a drive in their engagement and users. Thus, the use of live streams is another tactic that you can implement in your business social media advertising.

3. Spotify

Spotify released a campaign called “2019, Wrapped and generated compilations of user's most listened to music throughout the year 2019, in addition to throughout the decade.

One reason for the success of this advertising method is the personalization created by its use, it provided each individual with a way to see and compare their most listened to songs with their friends, etc and people have a weakness for personalization. Hence, personalization is another strategy that many businesses have expressed has led to their brand development.

Furthermore, thanks to technology, you are no longer required to spend extra time formulating information yourself for your intended audience, you now can rely on AI to do that work for you. At Stiddle, AI is the core component in our software and is highly beneficial in social ad creation and distribution.

4. Dove

In 2019 Dove conducted an advertising campaign called #ShowUs to help make beauty a source of confidence for women everywhere.

The ad campaign was ignited by Dove conducting a survey and found that 70% of women don't feel that they're truly represented in the media and over 90% of stock photography is shot by male photographers.†As a result, Dove worked to push for women empowerment by having their campaign feature over 5K images of females shot by female photographers across 39 countries.

Connecting to people and acknowledging underlying issues that some overlook and addressing them is a further method in social advertising that has helped improve many businesses' status and brand.

5. Nike

Nike has conducted numerous social media ad strategies, but one measure that they regularly take advantage of is influencer advertising. From famous athletes to rappers, to entrepreneurs, etc. Nike includes them all in their advertising needs to increase their brand engagement.

For instance, Nike partnered with ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kapernick which resulted in a 1,400% surge in [their] social media activity and [led them to] earn $6 billion in sales.

Therefore, the use of public influencers in ads has proven highly beneficial to many and is another way of conducting your own social media advertising.


When it comes to social media advertising, there are many options that your business can choose between to increase your brand awareness and revenue.

We hope that these examples of some top social media ad campaigns will help you have a better idea of what some of your choices are!

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