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Facebook’s Role in Small Business Marketing
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Facebook’s Role in Small Business Marketing
August 6, 2020

Introduction - Small Business Marketing

Are you a small business looking for ways to utilize Facebook to aid in your marketing needs? Then you’ve come to the right place.

“Why Facebook marketing?” you may ask. When it comes to social media advertising, Facebook is at the top of the charts and is “the number one ad channel for both B2C and B2B companies”. Thus, it is an ally of social media marketers.

This post, brought to you by Stiddle, will outline the steps to creating a Facebook Business Page, what you can use it for, and the major tools that Facebook provides small businesses for online marketing.

How do you get started? Let’s jump right into it.

Setting up your Facebook Business Page

Create a Facebook Business Page

The first step is to navigate to the Facebook Business page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/create. Choose your page type: business/brand or community/public figure. Next, plug in your business information.

Your page name is the name that one is likely to look for when searching for your business. The category tab is a word/ set of words used to depict the type of business you have.

The Facebook Business Page will then

ask for you to input further details about your business, such as your phone number.

Business Images

Once you finish setting up your Facebook Business Page, it is time to add images.

Visual aids are highly important in social media advertising; therefore, it is necessary for your marketing plan. Furthermore, the images you set as your accounts profile picture and cover image must connect to your brand and business’s mission.

More Information & Username

Now you have to create a username that will catch your audience’s eyes. Then, click ‘Edit Page Info’ and insert information about why a potential customer should choose you rather than your competitors for the product/service you are offering. This section is important because it provides the viewer’s a way of understanding what your business is about at an optimal speed.


Including a call-to-action button on

your Business Page is highly beneficial. A call-to-action instantly redirects viewers to your website to gain further details about why you’re worth their time.

What are the ways of utilizing Facebook for marketing?

Facebook text post

A Facebook text post may seem self-explanatory: it is a post made on one’s page that purely includes text. Using Facebook text posts can be used efficiently to get feedback from your viewers and helps build brand awareness on your Business Page. For instance, you can use text posts to ask your customers about their opinion on your product/service.

Facebook photo/video posts

Facebook photo and video posts are another way of driving engagement with your Business Page. As mentioned before, visual content creates an appeal for customers. In fact, it was found that social media posts that include images or video media “produce 650 percent higher engagement than text-only posts”.

Facebook live video

Another feature Facebook has is live video sessions that allow for a personalized relationship between you and your audience due to its instant interaction. For example, you can have a Q&A session on your Facebook live to create a connection between you and a viewer. Personalization is a game-changer for marketers because it forms a link to your audience and increases the likelihood that they will make a purchase.


Ads have proven to drive growth in traffic rates for one’s website. However, for small businesses that are just starting out with the utilization of online advertisements, it is important to obtain a strong understanding of how to use them efficiently.

Facebook Ads

Although Facebook offers several free methods for marketing your business through their Business Page, another available option is investing in paid advertisements.

Use of Facebook Ads is an effective way of raising awareness for your business throughout one of the most used social media platforms. To put it into perspective, in 2019 Facebook’s ad revenue was roughly 70 billion U.S. dollars; therefore, if used correctly it will help one boost your sales.

You can even use tools; such as the software we have at Stiddle that was created to help small businesses like yourself. Once you sign up, we do all your advertising work for you. Stiddle runs pre-targeted ads to find your intended audience using AI, meaning Stiddle automatically generates high performing campaigns and sales funnels for all businesses (e-commerce, info-product, local business, etc.)

Getting Assistance from automated tools in the realm of online marketing is crucial. If you are interested in a FREE TRIAL from Stiddle, Click Here.

How to grow your sales

  1. Know the objectives of your brand/business: It is pivotal that you have an understanding of your business goals to frame your marketing strategies to accomplish them.
  2. Be creative: Originality is a core component in the expansion of your business- especially in the realm of advertising. Since your ad may be the first time some hear about your business, you want to stand out so that the viewer will click on it for more information.
  3. Analytics/Insight tools: Facebook’s analyzation and insight tools allow you to see which content you post has the highest rates of customer engagement. As a result, you will be able to post more of that content to fulfill customers interests and target your specific audience.
  4. Remarketing: Once you are aware of your intended audience, you can use Facebook’s Custom Audience tools to retarget your existing customers.


So, there you have it- Facebook’s role in small business marketing.

You now can start planning out a marketing strategy that best fits your business to reach your goals!

To help you manage your business through the coronavirus crisis, Stiddle has created a toolkit for businesses and a customizable flyer for businesses to communicate their coronavirus efforts to customers.

Stiddle — aims to bring you inspiration from leading respected marketing experts.

Looking to learn more about Facebook Ads? Learn more from our Facebook Ads Tutorial Blog Post!

Checkout Stiddle's Blog Article: Ultimate How-To Guide on Facebook Ads

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