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Ads, and How a Small Business Can Utilize them
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Ads, and How a Small Business Can Utilize them
August 7, 2020

Introduction - Small Business Ads

Are you a small business wondering how you can utilize ads? Well, you have come to the right place.

This post, brought to you by Stiddle, will outline the top ways of expanding your small business using advertising.

What Social Media Marketing Does for a Small Business

As corporations transition into the reopening phase, establishing a wider consumer basis is deemed critical to balance the scale of financial losses for several businesses.

More regional, locally-based establishments have faced vulnerability through the impact of COVID-19, as firms with a smaller employee base have been hit the hardest. Local businesses can utilize modern advertising to widen their consumer pool and correspondingly increase generated profit.

Many smaller corporations have struggled in the past with adapting to modern marketing, and consumer engagement behavior reflects upon this trend through business failure. Advertising as well as media marketing provides regional businesses with increased public relations, and essentially a more profitable, steady corporation.

Online Presence

Currently, content marketing as advertising holds the majority of promise for small businesses that have been drastically impacted by this break from normalcy. Assuredly, establishing a vocal online presence in today's rampant technological era can induce several benefits for locally owned businesses.

Here at Stiddle, not only do we produce new content multiple times a week across our social media platforms, but we also make sure to examine which content creates the highest traffic. Keeping track of your online activity is crucial for connecting to your customers.

Google, Website, Leveraging Social Media to Create More Virtual Traffic

While word of mouth and printed advertisements may help with a corporation's online profile, listing businesses on Google allows facilitated customer-website engagement through the ease of simply using a search bar. Utilizing Google as a virtual platform gives consumers an understanding of the business operation and leaves room for (hopefully positive) reviews.

Along with Google listings, small businesses can use social media to leverage more virtual traffic.

As social media behavior trends continue to increase amongst the consumer population, businesses can implement several social media platforms to keep customers stay engaged and in-the-loop.

For further expansion in your personal ads, Stiddle is the way to go! Stiddle's goal is to help online businesses run pre-targeted Facebook ads to fit your target customer using artificial intelligence. Utilization of Stiddle will provide you a way to personalize your customer experience with the simple click of a button. If you are interested in a FREE TRIAL, Click Here.

Customer Loyalty Provide Incentive for Visitors to Return

While consumers browse through their several feeds, consecutive business posts inform and encourage customers. Promotions, releases, and community interactions are easily established through social media. Customer loyalty is also affirmed, as businesses can induce a motive for customers to return through posts, blogs, etc.

Collaborating with Other Small Businesses (Community Engagement)

Additionally, local businesses can take advantage of their regional affiliation to directly insert themselves into the community as a means of promotion and advertising. Involvement with other corporations as well as ongoing events encourages communal support as well as curiosity.


There you have it- how small businesses can successfully utilize ads!

You can now start strategizing on which tactics will fit your business the best!

To help you manage your business through the coronavirus crisis, Stiddle has created a toolkit for businesses and a customizable flyer for businesses to communicate their coronavirus efforts to customers.

Stiddle aims to bring you inspiration from leading respected marketing experts.

Looking to learn more about Facebook Ads? Learn more from our Facebook Ads Tutorial Blog Post!

Checkout Stiddle's Blog Article: Ultimate How-To Guide on Facebook Ads

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