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How to Become The Best Restaurant in your Area with Facebook Advertising
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How to Become The Best Restaurant in your Area with Facebook Advertising
August 24, 2020

Introduction - Restaurant Facebook Ads

You might assume that being the best restaurant in your area means that you should only focus on the dining experience. While that is a fundamental part of the equation, advertising plays a large role in that as well. Specifically, social media advertising is an important piece in becoming the best restaurant. So how should you advertise your restaurant on social media to draw in more customers? In this article brought to you by Stiddle, we will help you and your restaurant put your business on the map using restaurant Facebook ads.

Where Do I Advertise?

Before you decide what content to advertise, you will have to decide where to post your content. When it comes to deciding, you have to think of your target audience and what goals you want to achieve.

Conventional Places to Market

Facebook and Instagram are the two biggest players in social media. Billions of people use these platforms daily, granting you access to a very expansive and diverse audience. Unlike other platforms, which have more niche demographics (Snapchat draws a younger audience while Pinterest attracts far more women), people of all ages, genders, and nationalities use Facebook and Instagram.

Despite having more targeted audiences, Snapchat and Pinterest are still excellent places to market, especially if your restaurant is more likely to target that audience. For example, restaurants that make more adventurous foods that will appeal to younger people should use Snapchat. Regarding Pinterest, even though the majority of its users are female, Food is the biggest category on it with over 15 billion pins on it as of 2016, meaning that people will be very receptive to your ads.

Platforms with the Right Audience

You may think that the only options you have are more conventional forms of social media like Facebook and Instagram, but that could not be further from the truth. Although these platforms are the predominant forces in social media, there are countless other options when it comes to marketing.

For foodies specifically, there are dozens of social media sites for you to explore. You can explore sites like DelishBook, Finding Vegan, FoodEpix, and POPSUGAR Food where people share photos of the food they like. Additionally, you can market on recipe sharing sites like AllRecipes, Epicurious Community, and My Taste. Sites like Yelp where users can review restaurants are also excellent places to market your restaurant.

Targeting Your Audience

When it comes to targeting your audience, you should first segment your audience by their location. Unless people have heard raving reviews about a restaurant from friends and family, they probably won't want to drive an hour away to a restaurant they haven't heard of. It's essential that you target your ads to people within a certain radius so that you spend your marketing budget more effectively. You can also emphasize showing people ads when they are within a few hundred feet of your restaurant, which can help encourage a hungry social media user to stop by for a quick bite.

Best Restaurant in your Area with Social Media Advertising

You can further break down your audience based on their interests on social media. Since so many people post about or like pictures of food on their social media, social media platforms will have comprehensive profiles of their users and their food preferences. That way you can advertise to people whose culinary interests align with your cuisine. It wouldn't be smart for a steakhouse to spend marketing dollars advertising to someone who follows vegan lifestyle blogs when they could instead market to someone who posts about grilling.

Knowing Which Content to Post

Now that you've decided where to advertise and who to advertise to, you have to create the content you want to advertise. While you should spend money on advertising so that you can target your ads to the right audience, it is also a smart idea to create a profile on social media to post regularly for free. That way, people who find your ads and want to learn more about your restaurant can easily find your profile and see the other content you post as well as links to your website and location.

You should post and advertise diverse content so that users have a consistent stream of interesting content. That means posting a variety of photos and videos that showcase different elements of your business. When it comes to advertising this content, you should create different ad campaigns for different market segments. The same business could target an ad of them flaming a creme brule to someone who likes photos of sweets while they should share a photo of a prepared salmon to someone who posts regularly about their fishing trips.

Best Restaurant in your Area with Social Media marketing

When you decide how to divide up your content, make sure to post a good combination of photos and videos. While videos get more engagement through likes and comments, photos get more clicks.

Additionally, you should advertise through all of the various tools each platform offers. Take Instagram for example. You could target an ad to someone who is scrolling through their regular feed, but you could also make use of their stories feature and post content there. Or, if you create a social media profile, you could post videos of you teaching simple cooking techniques on IGTV. Each platform creates its own tools, so become familiar with the social media platform you are using to make content that matches its layout and tools.


As you navigate your social media advertising journey, using these tips will help you on the pathway to success. By advertising on the right social media platforms, segmenting your audience, and posting engaging and diverse content, you can help your restaurant become the best in your area.

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Looking to learn more about Facebook Ads? Learn more from our Facebook Ads Tutorial Blog Post!

Checkout Stiddle's Blog Article: Ultimate How-To Guide on Facebook Ads

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