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How to Grow Your Business during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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How to Grow Your Business during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction - Marketing Durring COVID

The COVID-19 Pandemic hit many with a truck of uncertainty–especially business owners like yourself. Although everyone has collectively entered an unchartered territory, it is crucial to view this situation through a positive light. “How?” you may ask. Well, you have come to the right place.

This post, brought to you by Stiddle, will outline the tops steps to help navigate and grow your business during the Coronavirus Outbreak.


Adaptability is necessary for all aspects of one's life; however, especially within the realm of business– it is important to never become too comfortable with the setting you are already in.

Social distancing is the new norm: alter your past practices to fit the new situation we are facing. For instance, if your business allows your employees to work remotely, take advantage of this, and build new management strategies to adjust to working from home. On the other hand, if you have a business such as a restaurant where your employees can't work from home, get innovative, and orient your strategies for your case. For example, you could offer free delivery for your customers to increase the likeliness of them making a purchase.

The Coronavirus Pandemic definitely altered the way the majority of businesses worldwide are now being run; therefore, not being able to adapt to this new climate will only hurt your business’s future.

Grow Bonds

An important tactic for growing your business during the COVID-19 Pandemic is to expand your relationship with your current or prospective customers.

Communication between you and your clients is important for them to understand what measures your business is taking as a result of the outbreak and any changes you may be making as a result.

Using discounts during this time is also a great way for continuing customers’ purchases of your products/services and drawing in more clientele.

You can even utilize Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools that use technology to assist in the enhancement of your relationship with your customers. CRM is used to help businesses formulate strong relationships with one's clients to provide them the best services based on their demographics and specific interests.

Social Media

Another way of growing your business during the Pandemic is by expanding your audience. Social media provides numerous opportunities for a business to extend its outreach. If your business was already on social media prior to the outbreak–terrific! However, if you were not plugged into social media before, it is now a must!

When utilizing digital marketing amidst the Coronavirus crisis, rather than purely promoting your business’s content, it is also necessary to address the issue that is currently taking place in society. It is key for consumers to understand that you are a person too and are going through this unfortunate situation alongside them–empathizing with your audience is an additional way of connecting with them. Furthermore, you can provide strategies for your viewers to help alleviate fears they may have during this time.

Another strategy for increasing your business reach is by raising awareness of how your brand is valuable to consumers during the crisis. In other words, take advantage of this situation to grow your sales.

Paid Advertising

Some businesses are refraining from the use of advertising due to wanting to conserve their cash flow; however, this is likely to hurt them in the future. In fact, it is highly important that you maintain–if not increase your advertising to ensure your business does not get forgotten and remain relevant. Therefore, try to keep advertising in your business plan.

The use of segmentation is an efficient way to ensure that you’re targeting the right crowd and using your business funds for the right audience. Furthermore, assessment of which channels are providing your business the highest traffic helps you narrow down where you should be focusing your time and money the most.

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Virtual Products/Services

Thanks to technological innovation, there are many options available for businesses despite having to alter the way they may have been run before the Pandemic.

Get creative and explore tools that you may have never considered before. For example, many hairstylists have been offering virtual appointments for their clients where they provide tips over video chat. Or even many doctors have been using telemedicine software for consultations and appointments that have allowed patients to continue meeting with their physicians whilst being behind the walls of their homes.

Another idea for being proactive is hosting online events for your customers. People crave entertainment and holding events that one can attend in a virtual manner allows for an exciting experience for them to feel connected to others.

Moreover, there are endless ways to use virtual technologies to continue the growth of your business during the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Anything is possible and no matter what market your business is in, there is always a way to pivot from past measures to continue your growth, even during the climate of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Take advantage of opportunities still available! We wish you the best of luck!

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