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7 Ways to Increase Website Traffic as a Local Business [Step by Step]
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7 Ways to Increase Website Traffic as a Local Business [Step by Step]
August 7, 2020

Introduction - Increase Website Traffic

When it comes to running a local business, not only do you have to worry about having a good product and services, but you need a way for customers to discover you and your brand. One of the best ways to do so is through your business's website, but getting potential customers to go to your website isn't always easy. In order to help you spread your reach and promote your brand, we've created a list of 7 ways that you can increase website traffic as a local business.

1. Build a Strong Website

Though it may seem obvious, in order to increase website traffic, you must have a website. But more than that, you need to have a fast, easy-to-navigate, and visually appealing website. Having good content and easy-to-use features make your business appear more legitimate and can help increase sales. But, if your website is too confusing and isn't regularly updated, users won't waste time trying to understand it; they will either stop using your site or go to another competitor altogether.

Investing in your website is the key to digital marketing and customer success. The customer experience should be enjoyable and easy without any additional hassles. Your website is the first step in the customer's journey, and you want to start out on the right foot.

One important note for maintaining a good website is to make the purchasing process easy. If you sell products on your website, you don't want to make it so difficult for your customers to purchase something that they give up halfway through. Or, if you want your customers to make an appointment with you, it should be easy for them to quickly check your availability and schedule it.

2. Write a Blog

Some of the content that you might have on your website could be in the form of a blog. Thus, when users come to Google looking for information and articles, they might found your blog, and from there, be interested in exploring your product. For example, a small accounting firm could post content that helps people understand the basics of filing taxes; when someone comes to their blog looking for answers on their tax returns, they might end up scheduling an appointment with one of their accountants.

An important element of blogging is knowing which topics to cover, whether it be interviewing industry leaders, writing about recent industry news, or inviting guest bloggers. Writing how-tos is especially important since it answers users questions and directly relates to the product or services your small business is selling.

3. PPC Ads

PPC ads (pay-per-click ads) are the hallmark of content marketing. The most common type of PPC ad is on first-tier search engines like Google where businesses are charged whenever a user clicks on the ad, meaning that you are only ever charged if users engage with them. These ads are essential for any business that wants to engage in content marketing and increase website traffic.

One of the most compelling reasons why you should use PPC ads is because you can target them to specific audiences. Because Google has collected troves of personal information about its users, it can target them based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors, reaching potential customers who are more likely to engage with their content. Additionally, you can set your ads to appear to a local audience or to display during your store's business hours so that you spend your marketing budget more wisely.

4. Update Your Social Media

Social media marketing allows you to reach incredibly wide and diverse audiences. Keeping your social media accounts on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn updated is essential to staying relevant and creating a unique brand. All of your accounts should be business accounts, and you should link your website to all of your accounts to increase website traffic.

The most important tip to maintaining a strong social media presence is to post content regularly and make it varied. Having a good combination of articles, photos, and videos will draw in a wider audience than sticking to only one form of content. It's especially important to update all forms of social media. One often-overlooked platform for social media marketing is LinkedIn. Since so few people post to LinkedIn compared to Instagram and Facebook, your posts will likely get more views and greater engagement, which can translate to increased website traffic and potential sales.

5. SEO

The practice of SEO, or search engine optimization, is essential to increasing website traffic for your small business. Optimizing your content for search engines generates better and more qualified traffic for your website. Search engine optimization should be a focus in all of your content, in everything from PPC ads to blogs to your website itself. By including both popular and long-tail keywords in your content, you'll be more likely to appear higher on the Google search results, and you can target your website to people whose needs and wants most align with your products and services.

6. Link to the Right Landing Page

When you post ads on search engines and social media platforms, don't take the lazy route and simply link to your home page. Oftentimes, your ads are targeted to specific audiences and display specific products and services. Since homepages are very broad and require users to spend time searching for the content that best suits their needs, you can help them by sending them to a landing page that best matches the content in the ad that they were viewing. Thus, you are not only increasing website traffic, but you are also being more effective and thoughtful with your digital marketing approaches.

7. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is a tried and true method of content marketing. Businesses have been using emails as a form of marketing for ages, and it remains a popular way to keep in contact with customers. You can use emails to contact and offer services to repeat customers who are often the backbone of local businesses. Although it's important to not bombard customers with endless emails, regular updates on promotions, new products and services, and rewards programs can dramatically increase website traffic and potential sales.


Although digital marketing isn't always easy, using these methods to increase your website traffic will help you expand your business. Whether you choose to use all of the tips we've compiled for you or a combination of them, we know that you are on the right track to promoting your brand and creating the perfect digital presence.

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