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#1 Guide: How To Increase CTR On Facebook Ads With Offers
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#1 Guide: How To Increase CTR On Facebook Ads With Offers
May 11, 2022

This article will be focused on using offers to increase CTR (click-through rate) for your Facebook Ads campaign. We will review how each aspect of a full marketing funnel can help increase CTR and decrease wasted ad spend budget. You'll also learn how to use offers with the Facebook platform and how Stiddle can be used to help increase your CTR.

Please note, if you're reading this after October  2021, Facebook has removed the offer ad feature and is currently developing a new Shops offer ads product. You can read more about this on Facebook's website.

How To Increase CTR On Facebook Ads With Offers

As eCommerce continues to expand and more transactions occur online, it has become clear that improving your online business's CTR is pivotal to generating leads and increasing your sales numbers. To do that, you'll need to stand out from the crowd.

CTR is a marketing indicator that measures the percentage of total users that click on an ad while viewing it and is often used to measure the effectiveness and success of a marketing campaign.

Creating a well-designed Facebook Ad is one of the best and most effective ways to get your audience's attention and increase CTR for your business, but it doesn't stop there! While creating a well-designed ad is half the work, you still need to entice them enough for them to click on your ad, which is the hardest part. According to this Social Media Examiner article, the average CTR on Facebook in 2020 was 1.32%!

While getting Facebook users to click on your ad is challenging, it certainly isn't impossible. One of the best methods to increase CTR for your eCommerce business is to present them with an offer which we will discuss later in this article.

We are excited to help you grow your business, so without further ado, let us get started!

Increase CTR With Full Marketing Funnel

The Marketing Funnel

Before we start creating a Facebook Ad to increase CTR, let's begin with a concept: the marketing funnel. In short, a marketing funnel- a sales funnel -is a roadmap designed to attract customers to your business to convert them. The funnel is separated into 4 steps:

  1. Awareness - Attract your target audience's attention to introduce your brand and products.
Awareness Phase: Increase CTR

  1. Interest - Show the consumers that you can provide the best solutions to their problems. This way, they will develop an interest in your product and/or services and begin researching your brand.
Interest Phase: Increase CTR

  1. Consideration - In this step, the customers have researched everything you have to offer and are considering making a purchase. This is the phase where you convince them you have the right solutions for their problems.
Consideration Phase: Increase CTR
  1. Conversion - This is the final phase of the funnel where your leads are ready to make a purchase. All you have to do is convince them to make the purchase.
Conversion Phase: Increase CTR

Increase CTR With Marketing Funnel

If your goal is to increase CTR for your eCommerce business, your effort should primarily be focused on the top of the marketing funnel, which is the Awareness phase. This is especially true if you're working with Facebook Ads. However, that doesn't mean you should avoid improving on the other phases.

During the Awareness phase, one potential goal is to make your target audience on Facebook interested enough to click on your ad. Here are a couple of ways to do this:

  1. Create Engaging Headlines: According to this article by Moz, the percentage of readers who never make it past the headline is 80%! With millions of ads and content being displayed daily on Facebook, it can be challenging to stand out. Much less, get a user to click on your ad. Therefore, creating a headline that resonates with your audience is essential. Here are some ways you can do this:
  2. Use emotional words
  3. Turn your headline into a question
  4. Make your headline easy to read
  5. Improve Your Call-To-Action (CTA): A CTA is an image or text that urges users to take a specific action, such as clicking on a link. This is one of the most effective ways to get your target audience to interact with your ad since it creates a sense of urgency. This step will increase your CTR and lower your overall ad spend by decreasing your cost per click(CPC). Constantly revisit your CTA for ways to improve it.

    One of our favorite ways to create a CTA is to incorporate it into our graphics because we can use bright colors to draw users' attention. Note that different colors can also affect your CTR. A study by Hubspot found that 21% more users clicked on the red button than the green button. However, you should always do what is best for your situation.

However, even if you fail in converting them or obtaining the click-through, don't worry! That shouldn't be the goal for this phase if you're just starting. At the very least, they are aware of your brand and that you can offer a potential solution to their problem(s). They might even go directly to your website via the address bar.

If you conduct the next two phases (Interest & Consideration) correctly, you should see a positive impact on your CTR.

In the Interest and Consideration phase, this is your chance to educate Facebook users about your brand and your products and services. This is where you should make your content (blogs, infographics, etc.) shine! Additionally, you can use offers in this phase to increase CTR for your eCommerce business! Remember to make your Facebook Ads engaging and attractive with a CTA that creates a sense of urgency.

Here is an example is taken from the Facebook Marketplace:

Careerist Ad Example

Careerist is a company that helps professionals land a role in the technology industry, and they are trying to attract people to sign up for their courses. Along with being well-designed, this ad creates a sense of urgency by setting a date when the offer will end. The ad also offers a free lesson, so users can understand and learn what the company's curriculum is like. In this case, this would be their CTA. It even highlights some perks, such as the ability to work remotely and potentially earn a higher salary.

However, we would argue that this ad could still be improved upon. For example, more urgency can be added to the ad by including the sentence "Reserve Your Seats Now Before They Are Gone!" in the headline while moving the course start date into the graphic. Regardless, this ad is well-designed and likely to help the company increase CTR on Facebook.

Finally, we'll look at the Conversion phase and ways to increase CTR at this point of your marketing funnel. Recall that at this phase, your leads are ready to make a purchase. While some might head directly to your website to complete the purchase, others might need a final "push." This is where you present them with an offer they can't refuse!

Here is an example of a Facebook Ad in which Dray Alliance is looking for drivers:

Dray Alliance Ad Example

In this ad, Dray Alliance offers $500 to drivers who sign up for their app and complete 5 jobs. Notice how "$500 Bonus" is in bright green, contrary to what we discussed earlier about the red vs. green. However, it makes sense in this case since it's dealing with money. Furthermore, take note of the headline "Get Paid in 1 Business Day" which emphasizes the speed of the bonus payment.

With these attractive incentives and a sense of urgency, Dray Alliance is bound to increase CTR for their Facebook Ad. However, much like the previous example, there is room for improvement. One improvement that can be made is by improving the CTA. The company created a sense of urgency for the ad by adding a CTA into the graphics, such as "Sign Up Today While The Offer Last!"

Now that you've explored the marketing funnel and how you can increase CTR during each phase, we will get into creating an ad with the Facebook platform and later Stiddle.

Increase CTR With Facebook Ad Offers

Facebook Offer is a great social media advertising tool to help you increase CTR for your eCommerce business; they're a great way to present a deal or offer to entice prospects to complete a purchase. This is a very powerful method to help expand your business. Whether your business is purely online or brick-and-mortar, we believe that every marketer and business owner should try this.

Before we go into how to create a Facebook Offer Ad, let's go over the two different types of offer ads you can create: online and in-store.

  1. Online - As you can probably tell by the name, online offer ads can only be used for websites. However, keep in mind that this offer can only be used by Facebook pages with at least 400 likes. When a user accepts the offer, they will receive a discount code that they can use in your eCommerce stores.
  2. In-Store - This type of offer can only be used for brick-and-mortar stores. It's an excellent choice if your goal is to increase CTR for your Facebook ad and drive traffic to your physical store. If users accept your offer, they will receive a barcode or QR code which they can use when they checkout.

Remember that you can even create an offer ad with codes that users can redeem in-store or online! Before we finally move on to creating, let's do a quick case study on how to offer ads that can be used to increase CTR and increase conversion.

One great example can be found on Facebook's website, where they analyzed Swish's Facebook marketing campaign. As a new product at the time, Swish is a breath spray from UL Skin Sciences, Inc. designed to give instant fresh breath; the company's target audience is millennials. The company used Facebook videos and offer ads to raise awareness and encourage customers to visit stores by extending a 50% discount that can be redeemed at any 7-11 locations.

Swish Ad Example

As a result of the Facebook campaign, the company saw the following:

  • 66% increase in offline sales compared to the previous month
  • 4.5X return on ad spend
  • 18,856 claimed Facebook offers

In the example above, they increased CTR by presenting their target audience with an offer and making the most of their ad budget.

Facebook Offer Ads: Steps

Before we get started, make sure you are the admin for the Facebook page you would like to create an offer for. Only admin can choose whether their offer is claimable online, in-store, or both. Furthermore, they are the only ones who can set the headlines and images for offers.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, this is how you create an offer for your Facebook page/eCommerce business:

  1. To begin with your offer, head over to your Facebook page.
  2. Look for the Offer button on the left-hand side.
Create Facebook Offer

  1. Next, fill in all the information about your offer, such as offer end date, availability, etc. Be sure to add an image and an engaging headline, just like any other Facebook ad.
  2. If you're creating an online deal, add a URL.
  3. Click Publish, then you're done!

Wasn't that easy? Now, all you have to do is monitor and track the performance of your ad as you watch your CTR increase!

At the time of this writing, Facebook has removed the offer ad feature from its platform. Luckily, Stiddle is an excellent alternative for those interested in taking advantage of this feature. Rather than generating a discount code within the Facebook platform, Stiddle redirects users to your landing page or website, where they can not only claim their discount code but also gain further exposure to your eCommerce business!

In other words, our platform allows you to display your offers on your ad campaign and landing page so that your customers are incentivized to buy your product/service. Ideally, this will enable them to learn more about your business and the products and services.  

Now that you've learned how to create an offer ad on Facebook, let us dive into our favorite platform, Stiddle! In the next section, you'll learn how Stiddle can potentially help you attain even better results!

Increase CTR With Stiddle  

Stiddle is a wonderful social media advertising tool that helps you create, optimize and deploy your full-funnel Facebook ad campaigns in minutes. From finding your ideal target audience to generating graphics for your custom landing pages that store your leads in an easy CRM, Stiddle can do just that for you by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Furthermore, Stiddle optimizes your ad spend budget by allocating your budget to high-performing social media ad campaigns automatically. Not a single penny will be wasted!

In this section, we will go over how Stiddle can help you increase CTR for your eCommerce business by searching for relevant offers, creating a landing page that expands on them, and tracking the performance and effectiveness of each campaign.

Stiddle: Steps

Before we get started, create a free Stiddle account if you haven't already. You can do so by clicking this link. Once you've done that, proceed with creating your Facebook Ad by following the steps listed down below. You'll run into a window where you can choose your offer during the process.

  1. Click on +New, which is located in the top-left corner.
+New Button

  1. You will see a drop-down menu pop-up. You can either choose to auto-create an ad or manually create one. For this example, we will be using the auto-create campaign.
  2. A window will pop up where you will be required to select your ad account and Facebook page. For this example, I created a new Facebook account and page called  Sloth Investment, which I chose as the account and page for my campaign creation.

    You can also connect to your Instagram account; this is optional but necessary to run ads on Instagram. Once you've done that, click Next.
Choose Facebook Page

  1. Name your campaign.
  2. In the next window, you will be required to select your objective. Once you've done that, click Next. For this example, we will choose Traffic (URL).
Choose Objective

  1. Choose your ad budget and schedule, then click Done.
Choose Budget

  1. Sit back and relax for a couple of minutes while Stiddle works its magic!
  2. Once the wait is over, Stiddle will present a new window with the recommended demographic to target. This includes location, age range, gender, and language. It also presents to you some recommended interest(s) to target.Below is an example of audience and interest recommendations given by Stiddle for a fast-food restaurant. If you want to make any changes, you can do so in this step.
Audience Recommendation

If you scroll down a little, you can choose your ad placement. If you select Placement Manual, you will be taken to a new window where you can customize your own placement. Once you're done with this, go ahead and press Done.

Manual Placement
  1. In the next window, you can choose or create an offer to incentivize users to take action. This step is optional, and you can skip this step by clicking on the Skip Offer button on the top right.

    The most intriguing aspect of this feature is that Stiddle leverages the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to auto-generate high-converting offers specific to your business. These offers have been rigorously tested for conversions within your specific industry. Stiddle even calculates the effectiveness of each offer before you choose to run it!
Choose Offer

However, if you're not satisfied with any of the offers, you can click Create my own offer which will then take you to another window as shown below.

Create Own Offer

Once you've filled out the details, you can click Submit, which will take you back to the previous window. Make sure your offer is selected, then proceed by clicking Next.When you create a custom offer, Stiddle will analyze the performance over the campaign's lifespan and give you an effectiveness ranking on the performance of the offer you made.

  1. You'll be required to add a destination page for your ad campaign in the next window. You can simply add the URL to your website or create your own landing page via the Stiddle platform.
Choose Destination

If you choose Website URL, you must enter the link you would like to lead your customers to, as shown below.

Website URL

If you create a landing page via Stiddle, scroll down the page where you'll come across various templates that you can choose from.

Landing Page Templates

When you click on one of the templates, you will be taken to a new window to customize the color of your landing page.

Choose Landing Page Color

Once you've chosen your colors, click on Continue to Editor. This will take you to the Stiddle Editor, where you can work on the text and its designs.Here you can change the font, text, dimensions, etc. This is your own custom form that you'll be using to collect leads, which is very similar to Facebook's Instant Form. The difference is that Stiddle Editor allows you more room to convince or "sell" what you are offering to make that lead convert while allowing for more detailed analytics.

Customize Landing Page

Once you're done customizing, name your campaign and click Save & Continue.

Name Landing Page
  1. Finally, you'll be taken to the last step, where you review your campaign before publishing it.
Review Landing Page

Once you've decided that everything looks good, go ahead and click Publish Campaign. You can also save it as a draft.

Publish Campaign
  1. If you haven't updated your Facebook payment method, a window will remind you to do so.
Update Facebook Payment

Congratulations, you've created a Facebook Ad on the Stiddle platform!

If you're interested in tracking the performance of all of your campaigns, click on Campaign Manager, located in the sidebar on the left-hand side.

Campaign Manager

Scroll down the page where you can see your active and inactive campaigns. Here you can track the effectiveness of each campaign and/or offer.

Track Performances

In the final section, we'll go over some of the benefits of using Stiddle and how it can be used to increase CTR for your eCommerce business.

Benefits Of Using Stiddle To Increase CTR

Stiddle is one of the best social media advertising tools on the market that can help increase CTR for your business. While there are many benefits to using our software, here are a couple of features we would like to highlight:

  1. CRO (Conversion Rate Optimized) Landing Page with Offer - As you've seen earlier, Stiddle can help you quickly create a well-designed, high-quality landing page for your ad, but the real power comes in when you incorporate an offer. Not only does Stiddle help with creating high-converting offers, but it also tells you the effectiveness of those offers before you even run your ads! With this, you'll be able to increase CTR for your business and save on advertising costs!

  2. Budget Allocation - One of the most unique features that Stiddle offers to its users is the ability to automatically allocate budget to better-performing campaigns. Moreover, Stiddle's platform also has the feature to automatically pause campaigns with poor performances, just like an in-house marketing team would. Just imagine the money you can save! With automatic budget allocation, you can save time for more important business tasks while increasing your CTR!


Whew! That was a lot, wasn't it? However, this should get you started on creating well-designed Facebook offers that can help you increase CTR for your eCommerce business.

In this article, you've learned how offers can be used at each phase of the marketing funnel and how to create offers from your Facebook page. You also learned how Stiddle can help simplify your marketing campaign by leveraging the power of AI to help you create or choose the best offer. If you implement these steps accordingly, you should see an increase in your CTR.

If you're interested in improving your understanding of the marketing funnel, we suggest you further study the buyer's journey. Here is an article on our website that dives into this topic.

That's all for now! Follow our website at Stiddle.com for more helpful marketing content like these.

We wish you the best of luck in your business endeavors!

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