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Full Funnel Marketing Strategy : #1 Best Guide
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Full Funnel Marketing Strategy : #1 Best Guide
June 3, 2022

Best Full Funnel Marketing Strategy For Instagram & Facebook

Not creating a full funnel marketing strategy is one of the biggest mistakes many marketers make when advertising their business on social media. Not only are businesses missing out on sales opportunities, but also the opportunity to convert leads into loyal, repeat customers that can vouch for your brand.

This article will discuss what a full funnel marketing strategy is and why you need one. We’ll go through each phase of the marketing funnel and provide you with some examples so that you can draw inspiration and apply them to your Instagram & Facebook marketing strategy.

Let’s get started!

What Is A Full Funnel Marketing Strategy?

So, what is a full funnel marketing strategy?

A full funnel marketing strategy is a strategy that tailors your marketing messages to customers at a particular stage by taking into consideration the entire buyer’s journey, attempting to nurture relationships, and building better experiences.

To create a good strategy that yields results, you’ll need to collect as much data from internal and external sources. Good marketers will use this data to provide the best experience at each phase and strategically plan for a smooth buyer’s journey.

As we go through each phase of the funnel, note where each of these resides in the marketing funnel (top, middle, bottom). Here are the 4 stages of a marketing funnel:

  1. Awareness: Attract your target audience’s attention to introduce your brand and products.
Full Funnel Marketing Strategy: Awareness

  1. Interest: Show the consumers that you can provide the best solutions to their problems. They will start developing an interest in your product and services and research your brand.
Full Funnel Marketing Strategy : Interest
  1. Consideration: In this step, the customers have researched everything you have to offer and are considering making a purchase.

    This is the phase where you convince them you have the right solutions for their problems. Build trust by educating your customers on why your brand is better than your competitors.
Full Funnel Marketing Strategy : Consideration
  1. Conversion: This is the final phase of the funnel where your leads are ready to make a purchase. All you have to do is convince them to make the purchase.
Full Funnel Marketing Strategy : Conversion

Although there are 4 phases, some marketers argue that the full funnel marketing strategy should have 2 more stages. We agree! Here are the additional phases that we believe should include:

  1. Loyalty: In this phase, you want to convince your customers to come back and make more purchases from your brand.

    This is your chance to persuade them by using a loyalty program that offers regular discounts, email newsletter, etc., so they will continually come back.
  2. Advocacy: Once customers have established their loyalty to your brand, some might even advocate for your business, which is the same as free marketing!

    Advocacy is done mainly by receptive individuals in your loyalty program who speak positively about your brand and proudly display your product.

Why Is A Full Funnel Marketing Strategy Needed?

According to Salesforce, nurtured leads can produce a staggering 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured ones. Even though the idea of a full funnel marketing strategy has been around for years, many businesses still haven’t adopted one.

A full funnel marketing strategy can help you acquire new leads if you create the right content. This often happens at the top of the marketing funnel, meaning your primary goal is to gather information or data about the leads, such as their email. While not all leads will convert into customers, the marketing funnel strategy can help you identify which leads to pursue.  

Effective use of a full funnel marketing strategy has many benefits, but measurability is one of the most significant. Funnels assist your business’s conversion rate and identify the stage of customer drop-off.

Understanding your lead’s journey is one of the best ways to increase your conversion rate. If you focus too much on one phase of the marketing funnel, you may never know what your strategy lacks.  

For example, if your leads are dropping off at the Conversion phase, that’s an indication that you should improve how you educate or build trust with your prospects. You might want to provide them with a free e-book or discount code to convince them.

In the next section, we’ll look at how you can apply a full funnel approach to your social media marketing strategy, specifically Instagram.

Full Funnel Marketing Strategy: Instagram

Instagram is one of Meta’s most popular social media platforms, with roughly 1 billion monthly active users. Despite this, not many businesses take the time to optimize their profile to attract customers and nurture them through all phases of the marketing funnel.

Some businesses argue that they don’t have the advertising budget to do so, but the truth is that a budget isn’t necessarily needed. While it certainly can help, there are many ways you can improve your full funnel marketing strategy without a budget.

This section will go through each phase and how you can optimize your Instagram page to cater to your leads during each funnel stage.

Awareness & Interest (Top of Marketing Funnel)

Recall from earlier, the top of the marketing funnel is primarily about attracting your audience’s attention so you can introduce your brand and pique their interest.

Your Instagram bio is the first feature you should optimize to achieve this. This is where your leads can learn about your business and how to get in contact with you. You want to keep this section as concise as possible.

Some essential items that you should consider adding are:

  • Introduction to your company
  • Company’s website
  • Highlights
  • Shop button
  • Create Brand Hashtags

For example, @svndz_official has done an excellent job of utilizing everything we’ve just discussed. In the bio, SVNDZ outlines what industry they are in and links to the founder’s Instagram page, where you can learn more about her. However, we recommend adding a short mission statement and a custom hashtag.  

A hashtag is a wonderful way to grow your brand organically, meaning you don’t have to spend a penny! Note that Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but that should be more than enough.

Furthermore, the company also included an organized Highlight reel, a link to their landing page, and a Shop button. These items are essential to helping potential leads learn more about their brand.

Instagram Example #1 - SVDZ

During this phase of your full funnel marketing strategy, you should also publish helpful content that educates your audience about your brand and answers common questions.

Here are some Instagram content ideas for this stage of your funnel:

  • Educational Posts About Your Product
  • Tips About Product  (this is more common in B2B marketing)
  • Create Authentic Content That Represents Your Brand

Here is an example of how @asvr did this.

Instagram Example #2 - ASVR

In the example above, ASVR educates consumers on their product’s materials by creating an engaging video to draw their attention. This post also doubles as an upcoming product teaser, encouraging potential prospects to return to your page and drive further engagement!

Consideration (Middle of Marketing Funnel)

Let’s move on to the next phase of your full funnel marketing strategy. In the consideration stage, you should build trust and convince your prospects that your brand has the right product/solution.

The prospects that make it to this stage turn into leads. Prospects are users who have heard of your brand or product and are slightly interested in what you offer.

Here are several ways you can achieve this:

  • Create tutorials
  • Have reputable people or customers give testimonials
  • Run marketing campaigns to generate leads and traffic (This requires a budget.)
  • Interact with your followers

Here is an example of how @rival_ink did this by providing a tutorial on installing their graphic kits.

Instagram Example #3- Rival Ink

By creating a tutorial, Rival Ink Design Co. gives the insights that their leads are looking for. This post gives them a sense of how to use their product. Moreover, by demonstrating their product, potential leads are more likely to trust the brand.

Conversion (Bottom of Marketing Funnel)

In the Conversion stage of your full funnel marketing strategy, you want to give the final “push” to convince your prospect(s) to convert.

While this may seem challenging to achieve, it’s pretty simple if you put effort into the previous stages and nurture your prospects.

Here are a couple of ways you can drive conversions:

  • Create Limited-Time Offers
  • Run Conversions Marketing Campaigns
  • Set Up Instagram Shopping
  • Create Clear Calls to Action (CTA)
  • Run Retargeting Campaigns

Let’s take a look a how @rayban did this.

Instagram Example #4- Ray Ban

In this example, Ray-Ban created a sense of urgency to persuade potential customers to take action by running a conversion campaign with a limited-time offer. This is the perfect way to promote a temporary event and convince leads to make a purchase. Moreover, they leveraged Instagram Shopping and created a compelling CTA.

Loyalty & Advocacy (Bottom of Marketing Funnel)

In the final stage of your full funnel marketing strategy, you want to maintain a healthy relationship with your customers and invite them to make repeat purchases while advocating for your brand. Nothing is more potent than making customers feel like a part of a valued community and letting others hear their voices.

While a loyalty program is one thing to implement, there are other ways to do this, such as a branded hashtag. Here are a few ways:

  • Host Giveaways
  • Run Retargeting Campaigns
  • Leverage User-Generated Content/Testimonials
  • Post Customer Success Stories
  • Interact With Your Customers

Here is an example of how @Udacity leveraged its customer success story.

Instagram Example #5- Udacity

In this example, Udacity invited Jasmine to share her success story as a way to advocate their brand. The description shows that she is a repeat customer who leveraged Udacity courses to further her career goals as a software developer.

This method is a great way to give customers opportunities to contribute to their brand and emphasize their role as valued customers. Furthermore, this post also presents a chance to spread its hashtag (#Nanodegree) and encourage frequent contributions from its consumer base, which is usually more trustworthy.

Full Funnel Marketing Strategy: Facebook

Now that we’ve gone into how to apply a full funnel marketing strategy for Instagram, it’s time to dive into Facebook. Facebook is the other platform that belongs to Meta and has 2.93 billion monthly users.

Similar to the previous section, we’ll go into each phase and how you can apply this knowledge to create a winning full funnel marketing strategy on Facebook.

Awareness & Interest (Top of Marketing Funnel)

In the Awareness & Interest stages of your Facebook full funnel marketing strategy, your main goal should be to make more users interested in your brand and product.

Rather than starting with a sales pitch, it’s recommended that you begin with informational content to give your audience an idea of what your company and products do.

For example, Heap builds brand awareness with their Facebook user base by creating a free downloadable e-book and educating viewers on their product. Moreover, you are more likely to draw potential prospects’ attention by offering something for free.

Facebook Example #1 - Heap

Much like the Instagram bio, you should also fill up your Facebook page with information related to your business. This can be done in the About section on the left-hand side of your Facebook page.

Facebook Example #2 - Heap

Consideration (Middle of Marketing Funnel)

Recall that your prospects turn into leads at this stage of your full funnel marketing strategy if they make it this far. You want to convince your leads that you have the right solution for their problem and build trust with them.

There is no better way to do this than offer a free trial of your product! This works exceptionally well if you run a business-to-business (B2B) business.

For example, Otter.ai runs Facebook Ads to promote and encourage leads to try out their product by offering them a 10-day free trial.

Facebook Example #3 - Otter.ai

If you’re running a business-to-consumer (B2C) business, you would want to provide your audience with a free sample.

For example, YSL Beauty offers a sample of its fragrance to encourage leads to try it out. While some may claim the free sample and drop out of the funnel, others might be pushed further down, leading to conversions.

Facebook Example #4 - YSL Beauty

Other methods for the Consideration stage include offering product comparisons and money-back guarantees.

Conversion (Bottom of Marketing Funnel)

Now that you’ve nurtured your audience through the previous phases, it’s time to convert these leads into paying customers with a little nudge. We would like to iterate that one of the best ways to encourage conversion is by offering a discount to new users.

However, it isn’t the only way! Some businesses can convert users by demonstrating their company values to the world. This is typically done by donating a certain amount for each purchase to an organization that promotes social issues.

For example, Eastbay runs a Facebook campaign that brings awareness to a non-profit organization, Autism Speaks. This is a wonderful way to convert users on issues they care about, demonstrate their values as a company, and care about their customers and communities.

Facebook Example #5- Eastbay

Loyalty & Advocacy (Bottom of Marketing Funnel)

Finally, you want to utilize your customers’ reviews and testimonials for the final phase of your full funnel marketing strategy. In the Instagram example, you saw how Udacity invited a customer to speak about her experience with the program.

If you’re unable to do that, you can go about this by using a written review of theirs (with their permission).

For example, Biteable used a customer testimonial (Keith Koons) to advocate for their brand in a Facebook Ad marketing campaign.

This is a wonderful example because it shows the results achieved with Biteable’s product and provides an article on how he did this. Furthermore, it displays the client and his company, which can be easily fact-checked, thus building trust.

Facebook Example #6- Biteable

Full Funnel Marketing Strategy: Retargeting

Now that you’ve obtained enough leads -and hopefully, customers-  you may want to create retargeting ads for your full funnel marketing strategy. This step belongs to the funnel’s final phase (bottom of the funnel): loyalty.

Bear in mind that Facebook and Instagram are very similar in campaign creation. You can create ads with the same targeting when making a retargeting audience.

Steps to Creating Retargeting Ads on Instagram

  1. Navigate to your Facebook Ad Manager account.
  2. Under the Campaigns tab, click +Create.

Retargeting Campaign - Create Campaign
  1. Select your marketing objective and click Next.
  2. Next, you’ll work on your ad set. Select your conversion event location.
    Optional: If you haven’t created a Facebook (Meta) Pixel, go ahead and do so.
Retargeting Campaign - Select Conversion Event
  1. If you choose to track a pixel, you’ll be required to select a conversion event. Note that certain events are not prioritized for iOS 14.5. Ad sets using these events may not be delivered to people who opt-out of tracking on iOS 14.5 or later.
Retargeting Campaign - Select Conversion Event 2
  1. Scroll down until you reach the Audience box. You can search for a custom audience in the search box you’ve already seen. If you haven’t created one, click Create New in the top right corner and select Custom Audience.
Retargeting Campaign - Custom Audience
  1. In the next window, you’ll have to choose a custom audience source. For this example, we’ll go with Website. After that, click Next.
Retargeting Campaign - Custom Audience 2
  1. Name your pixel.
Retargeting Campaign - Pixel
  1. If you’ve already set up a retargeting pixel for your webpage, you’ll be able to select the corresponding audience in the Source box. Else, you can still with Facebook’s default options.

    Retention refers to the number of days you want people to remain in your audience after meeting the specific criteria.

    Once done, name your audience and click Create Audience.
Retargeting Campaign - Create Custom Audience
  1. You can further improve your targeting by adding demographics, interests, or behaviors in the Detailed Targeting box.

    Once done, click Next.
  2. You can connect to your Instagram account in the Identity box if you haven’t already.
Retargeting Campaign - Identity
  1. In the Ad Creative box, fill in all the information you need to create your ad. You can preview your ad on the right-hand side of the screen.
  2. Once done, click Publish.Scroll down until you come across the Destination box, where you can tell Facebook where to direct users immediately after they tap or click your ad.
  3. Once done, click Publish.

Full Funnel Marketing Strategy: Conclusion

Remember that a full funnel marketing strategy is essential if you’re looking to build your business or brand up on Instagram and Facebook. By understanding and leveraging your knowledge of full funnel marketing, you will be able to see exceptional results, whether you create organic or paid content.

If you nurture your prospects consistently and optimize at every step, you should see your audience and leads continuously grow.  

That’s all for now! Follow our website at Stiddle.com for more helpful marketing content like these.

We wish you the best of luck in your business endeavors!

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