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What is the Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising [2021]
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What is the Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising [2021]
August 7, 2020

Introduction - Social Media Advertising

Why is social media advertising so effective? Well, it's simple if you really think about it–social media is where everyone is, that is the key to its effectiveness!

This post, brought to you by Stiddle, will outline why there is such a high demand for social media ads and advertising strategies for your business.

Consumer Social Media Consumption

One of the most important reasons for the use of social media advertising is the increased consumer media consumption. Statista reported that the average person spends over 7.5 hours on social media per day.

Another study found that the average daily time people spend watching television is roughly 3 hours. Prior to the age of social media's heavy influence, the rate of T.V. watchers was significantly higher; however, as the growth of social media increases the rate of T.V. watchers will only continue to decrease.

Why is the rate of television viewers important to take into account when determining where your business should focus their advertising? Well, T.V. content used to be an advertisers best friend; however, with a decline in its use it has similarly led to a decline in success from ads through this channel.

So, the real question is why not utilize social media for your advertising needs?

Targeting Your Customers

Another contribution of social media advertising that surpasses traditional ad methods is the opportunity it provides users to target the right audience to generate greater profit.

Traditional methods lead advertisers to spend their budget on TV, billboards, radio, etc. where they wouldn't be certain that they are even reaching their target viewer. However, with the abundance in data built through social platforms, advertisers can aim their content for their intended viewers.

Many social media business accounts provide a way to filter one's content towards those that would likely be interested in their offered products/ services. Factors such as age, location, gender, etc. are demographics that a business can select between and target them directly.

For instance, if your business is targeted for a female demographic that is between the age range of 18-25, you can ensure that it reaches that audience!

Customer Bonds

Many businesses appreciate social media due to its ability to create and enhance their customer relationships.

For example, through a social media page, you can instantly hold conversations with your prospective customers; such as, responding to their questions on your posts. Additionally, conversing with viewers allows for a way to personalize your customer experience by including their names when you reply back.

Furthermore, social media activeness also shows your potential clients that you are a person just like them and makes them more trusting of your products/ services.

Moreover, social media creates the opportunity to go farther than the scope of explicit advertising it allows for the creation of a community.


In addition to the numerous reasons why social media advertising is more effective than traditional methods, the icing on the cake is how cost-effective of a strategy it is.

To place the cost comparison into perspective advertisers paid an average CPM of $17.50 for cable TV ads at the Upfronts for the 2018-2019 season. National broadcast was closer to $32. In digital, in the first quarter of 2018, the average CPM on the Google display network was $2.80. These statistics signify how the use of social ads will save your team money on a long-term scale.

Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising

Starting Your Paid Social Ad Process

Now that we have established how necessary it is for your advertising team to utilize social media for your business let's move into how you can begin getting into paid social ads.

Paid social media is a method of displaying advertisements or sponsored marketing messages on popular social media platforms, and targeting a specific sub-audience.

Paid Ad Tips

It is important to understand why people use social media in order to construct your strategies around those reasons.

According to LyfeMarketing, the top four determinants that make people want to use social media are to:

  • Keep up with friends (41%)
  • Know what's happening around the world (40%)
  • Deal with boredom (39%)
  • Entertaining themselves (37%)

Inclusion of tactics revolving around these factors can assist in the formulation of your own social advertisements. For instance, you could create interactive ad campaigns that simultaneously keeps your viewers entertained and interested in your business.


Although social media advertising as a whole is extremely effective, it is important to find the right platform for your business depending on the market you're in. For example, it would be beneficial to determine if your business is targeting a B2B or B2C clientele before choosing what platforms you will be active on.

Each social media platform provides a difference in purpose; therefore, it is imperative to do your research on where those that will likely be interested in your products/ services are located.

Professional Advertisers

For assistance in your paid ads, it would also be beneficial to get help from professional advertisers, such as us at Stiddle.

Stiddle runs pre-targeted ads to find your intended audience using AI, meaning Stiddle automatically generates high performing campaigns and sales funnels for all businesses (e-commerce, info-product, local business, etc.) Stiddle's goal is to assist you in expanding your customer reach.

We are here here to assist you in all your needs! If you are interested in a FREE TRIAL, Click Here.


There you have it's the top reasons why social media advertising is extremely effective and measures you can implement to get started in your ad journey!

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