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What Advertising Techniques do Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty Utilize?
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What Advertising Techniques do Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty Utilize?
August 7, 2020


The beauty and cosmetic industry is one that heavily relies on the need for advertising especially in the age of technology.

Are you wondering what strategies successful beauty companies like Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty have utilized to get to where they are today?

Luckily for you, you've arrived at the right place. This post, brought to you by Stiddle, will outline top advertising techniques that Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty have incorporated in their ad plans that have led to their significant business growth.

Loyalty Programs

A successful advertising strategy that both Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty have taken full advantage of is making use of loyalty programs. For instance, Sally Beauty created an ad campaign stating each time [a customer] earn[s] 500 BEAUTY MARKS (or spend[s] $50) [they] get a $5 reward to redeem on [their] next purchase.

This tactic is very useful because it creates incentives for customers providing them rewards for making purchases through them. In fact, in 2019 Sally Beauty reported that they reached 16 million active members that redeemed their loyalty certificates.

Similarly, Ulta Beauty also has a loyalty program for its customers called Ultimate Rewards. Ulta's strategy states that customers will earn 1 point for every $1 [they] spend. Platinum members earn 1.25 points for every $1 (25% more) and Diamond members earn 1.5 points (50% more!).†In addition to having a loyalty program, Ulta's use of rankings: Platinum, Diamond, etc. draws in more people by making one feel special which is a natural human want from others.

Moreover, these programs persuade customers to make purchases with the ability to receive a reward after. Therefore, utilizing loyalty programs like Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty are in your own advertising plans will likely increase your sales.

Social Advertising

Another top advertising technique that Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty have made use of is social media. The use of social ads not only speeds up a company's audience reach but also increases the likeliness that a viewer will be interested in the product/service being marketed.

Furthermore, social ads allow customers to make transactions at an optimal rate which allows for instant access to purchases. In fact, “75% of Instagram users take an action after seeing an advertising post on Instagram.

In a nutshell, social media use is an extremely valuable ad strategy to use which Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty have taken into account.

Ryan Linders, a Sally Beauty team member explained that social media use for advertising is a great way to increase the prospective customer retention rate. Additionally, once Ulta Beauty became part of the social advertising game, they saw exponential company growth which led to their sales to increase by 62.9%.

In the age of digitalization, incorporating social media with your advertising is an efficient way to boost your business sales.

Additionally, you can even use tools; such as the software we have at Stiddle that was created to help businesses like yourself. Once you sign up, we do all your social advertising work for you by generating high performing campaigns and sales funnels. Getting Assistance from automated tools in the realm of social advertising is crucial. If you are interested in a FREE TRIAL from Stiddle, Click Here.

Advertising Techniques Beauty and Ulta Beauty


According to a survey, 58% of respondents admitted they purchased a product because of an influencer.

No matter the business industry you are in, the usage of influencers is a game-changer in advertising. Influencers are popular creators that others look up to; hence, having them be the face of the product/service that you're distributing provides you significant leverage. For this reason, it is no surprise that both Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty are using influencers themselves.

Ulta Beauty has utilized influencer advertising for quite some time to represent their brand and has seen the immense benefits that arise with its use. On the other hand, Sally Beauty just recently jumped on board with the use of influencer advertising.

In early 2020, Sally Beauty announced their new influencer campaign where they created a competition for those interested in being a brand influencer for their company to apply and received 1,157 applications. After narrowing down the influencer options, they then wanted their customers to become involved on social media and vote on who they wanted to be Sally Beauty's influencer representation.

Sally Beauty's technique not only led to the inclusion of influencers within their brand name but also by allowing customers to be involved stems their increased interest with the brand.

As a whole, the utilization of influencers is another way to help boost your business's ad campaign success.


There are countless ways to advertise; therefore, it is necessary to do your research on which strategies fit your business best.

We hope you utilize some of Sally Beauty and Ulta Beauty ad tactics to move ahead and become a top company as well!

Best of luck!

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